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Espacio’s New Campaign Emphasizes the Need for Action When Medicine Becomes a Luxury

Patients info: Latinos in the U.S. struggling as life-saving medications remain unaffordable.

Possible symptoms: Choosing between paying for rent or medications, food or therapies, and basic necessities or treatments.

Diagnosis: Harsh reality in a world of luxury.

Prescription: “Medicinas Vitales, No Lujos” (“Vital Medicines, Not Luxuries”) campaign

Directions: For best results we recommend immediate publication and dissemination of this message.

When a high-end perfume costs $580, but a monthly respiratory treatment runs up to $496, it’s clear: for many, medications have become an unaffordable luxury.

That’s why the Latino community is calling for fairer drug prices. The recent Medicinas Vitales, No Lujos (Vital Medicines, Not Luxuries) campaign from Patients for Affordable Drugs and Espacio, a new creative communications hub of Tiempo Company, addresses the high cost of medications, impacting one in three people across the country—and disproportionately affecting Latino communities.

“From our conversations, it’s clear there’s a major gap in information and education around drug pricing. Many people are unaware not only of the legal aspects but also of the ways they can advocate for change,” said Merith Basey, Executive Director at Patients for Affordable Drugs. “In our collaboration, working with people who truly understand the Latino community has been key. They know how to craft messages that resonate deeply with Spanish-speaking individuals. This isn’t just about translating from English to Spanish; it’s much deeper than that.”

Espacio’s debut campaign focuses on social justice and equity in healthcare, advocating for affordable medications and encouraging Latinos to learn more about essential treatments like respiratory therapies and cancer care.

“It’s unacceptable that people in our community have to choose between paying rent and buying their medications,” said Winston Peraza, Chief Creative Officer at Espacio. “We explored a more creative approach to convey what ‘exclusivity’ really means by pulling a chemotherapy pill bottle from a chic designer handbag, revealing a $25,000 price tag on a medication essential for survival.”

The campaign aims to remind us that exclusivity can be a bitter reality—especially when it applies to something as vital as our health. Through videos, digital ads, and other media, the message of the Vital Medicines, Not Luxuries campaign has resonated strongly, particularly with older women, who are often among those most concerned about health-related issues. The response has been overwhelming, reaching over 100,000 Latinos and generating more than 300,000 impressions by the end of October—far surpassing initial expectations.

Medications only work if you can afford them. Yet for many Latinos, life-saving drugs remain out of reach. Join Patients for Affordable Drugs in the fight to bring down the cost of essential medications. Together, we can ensure that everyone has access to the care they need and deserve.

Read more here. To download this press release click here.


Patients For Affordable Drugs 

Agencia: Espacio

CCO: Winston Peraza

CD: Humberto Maldonado

Account Lead: Andrea Chacon

Production Credits:

Production: Happy Brands

Director/DoP: Leonardo Botero

Executive Producer: Jennifer Madrigal

DoP: Camilo Giraldo

Designer: Sabrina Marin

Art Director: Paulina

Sound Design: Jose Toledo “Tole”

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