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Dr. Ralph de la Torre gana importante premio

Whittier Street Health Center honró al Dr. Ralph de la Torre, presidente y CEO de Steward Health Care System con el «Premio Nuevo Cuidado de la Salud», durante su  20th Annual Roast que se llevó a cabo el jueves 3 de abril 2014 en el Boston Park Plaza Hotel. Frederica Williams, presidenta y CEO de Whittier Street Health Center, presentó al Dr. Ralph de la Torre con el premio por su liderazgo visionario y ejemplar.

A continuación parte del comunicado de prensa:

«Building on a history of jesting some of Boston’s most prominent influencers, Whittier’s annual roast is designed to recognize the achievements of a local leader who has exemplified excellence in the Boston community. All proceeds raised from the event support Whittier’s programs and the center’s primary mission to provide high quality, state-of-the-art reliable and accessible healthcare to residents living in Greater Boston’s most vulnerable communities and to eliminate health and social disparities. For more information, visit:

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Building on a history of jesting some of Boston’s most prominent influencers, Dr. de la Torre was recognized for his commitment to the Boston healthcare community and his outstanding leadership at Steward. Roasters included: Andrew Dreyfus, President & CEO, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts; Mark DiNapoli, President and General Manager, Suffolk Construction Company, and Jack Connors, Commerce Sales, Google. The evening’s Toastmistress was Dr. Marisela Marrero, Advisor, ALPFA Healthcare and the invocation was led by Rev. Raymond F. Collins, CSSR, Warren-Blanding Professor of Religious Studies and Professor of New Testament, The Catholic University of America. All proceeds raised from the event support Whittier’s programs».

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